(Our Pledge to Independent Retailers and Local Communities)

Our Community Is Our Home.

For over 15 years, through our network of local school dealers, Anthem has been providing opportunities for children to explore music and build life-long relationships in local music programs, partially due to Anthem's affordability and community support.

At Anthem, we strongly believe that it is important to buy locally whenever possible. We believe in this so strongly that we only sell Anthem instruments through locally owned, independent music retailers. Compared to chain stores, locally owned businesses recycle a much larger share of their revenue back into the local economy, strengthening the economic base of your community. This further allows your local retailers to provide jobs in your community.

Most importantly, it is your local music retailer who drives to your schools each week to pickup and drop off repaired instruments and assist your band director. It is your local music retailer who offers educational opportunities for you such as artist clinics and lessons. It is your local music retailer who inspects and adjusts your instrument before it is purchased. It is your local music retailer who will be there for you when you need a last minute repair on the night of your concert.

As part of our dedication to your community, we do not allow Anthem retailers to sell our instruments on the internet or through mail order catalogs. In an era of nameless, faceless multinational corporations dictating to the marketplace, Anthem supports our dealers at the local level by giving them flexibility in pricing and protecting them with exclusivity. Ultimately, this limits our potential market and sales. But wouldn't you rather buy an instrument from a company that focuses on community and music over sales and profits?

David Kilkenny


Anthem Musical Instruments

Buy Local